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5. Happiness Through Neuroscience

This topic is timely, since March 20 is designated as International Day of Happiness,. The date is designed to  recognizes the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of human  around our world. 

We have a tendency to run on auto pilot because of the neurological pathways in our brains that have been built from emotional activation (you might’ve heard this called triggers) and then behaviors that follow. This is similar to walking a path from a cabin through the woods and down to the lake.  We walked at same path each time because it’s much easier than forging a new path through the trees and the brush to get to that same location.  What do these neurological pathways have to do with happiness and how can they help us settle our minds and our lives ?

Without geeking out too much on the brain, my guest Juanita Rowley  helps figure this out.  She founder of Happiness Through Neuroscience that takes the understanding of the biological functions of the brain and the behaviors that are produced from that and harnesses the capability to change the patterns to create the designer brain.

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